Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I'm BACK!!!

Pardon my disappearing act, but I am back, and with a purpose!  I got side tracked in school and started majoring in Business Administration, with a focus on Marketing Management.  I thought that's what I wanted to do, but, apparently not??!! I question it because I honestly felt that it was my calling! With all this craziness going on, I decided to go pay my advisor a visit, and he pretty much said that I do so AWESOME in all of my Computer and Art classes, why don't I just stick with what I am good at?? So..I did. Next semester, I will officially hold an AAS in Webpage Development, which will then be transformed to a lovely Bachelor degree in Webpage development and Graphic Design.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Who is mcXX?

This was something I was NOT planning on doing.  I literally was just playing around with my photo during class...and this was the outcome.

"Movie Poster" or an Ad...? Who knows

I clearly did not put in much effort in this.  I originally was going to create another book cover, but I started playing around with some artistic effects, smudge, text generators and shadows.  Don't really know what it is.....but I like the colors and the feel I get from it.

Big & Small iLLusion.

I'm not too fond of what I came up with, but I do like the way it plays with the eyes.  It LOOKS unreal but in a playful way.   Reminds me of a starbursts commercial or a strawberry candy.
*Notice: There is a man climbing the strawberry.
We basically had to depict an object at an unreal size (Giant strawberry mountain--but an even bigger butterfly--Or is the climber the tiniest man in the world? Hmmm)

Project #2 -- Creative Bookcover

Professor wanted us to create a book cover with our own ideas.  I'm into Vampires and all that mystery sh*t.  This also was not planned and done in about an hour.  I thought it came out pretty good and the theme/scheme goes together.

*I did  all of my work during class (3 hours long) because I did not have a working computer at home.

2 Headed Fantasical Fly

This was one of my first ever solo project for class.  The project was to create a "monster" or fictional creature using your own photo. I just went along with things by using google--this was not planned.